Sunday, October 13, 2013

Today it seems everyone is attached to some form of social media. In fact this blog is just another example. But the internet has provided a mass networking tool to allow people from all over the world to talk to each other, see what is going on in their lives, photos, etc.

Goodreads is a unique form of social media.

This site was created for people like me and you (hopefully if you are following along). It is made for book lovers. And for someone like myself it has some special tools that I love.

  1. It lets the user make their own "book list". For me this is incredibly helpful because I constantly have gotten caught up in a conversation over a novel, or been browsing a bookstore and don't have the money at the time, etc. This way I can just add this book i'm interested in to my list and later on I'll see it and it will remind me.
  2. It allows the user to keep a record of what they have read. It also allows you to track your progress through a novel and share it either on the site itself or on other platforms such as Facebook. While this isn't a necessary tool I enjoy this aspect. I like seeing what my friends are reading and where they are in a novel and if they are enjoying it or not.
  3. It allows you to network with other book lovers. This is by far my favorite feature. It works exactly like a social network but stays on one topic: books. I like checking out my friends reviews or even other user reviews as well as what they have read in the past and see if it is something I would be interested in.
  4. You become a "critic". This is exactly what I have been trying to create with this blog. I like to talk books with people on my level. I don't need to always hear about the complexity of the writing because of the time it was written and the style, blah blah blah. Sometimes I just want to hear someones genuine opinion. What they liked and why. That is what I attempt to do in this blog. And I like that Goodreads allows me to share my opinion with others.
  5. It refers books to you based on your library. That is right. The site pays attention to what you are reading and then based off your reading list will make suggestions. For someone who is indecisive about what to read this is a blessing.
Since I joined the site (my friend recommended it to me) I have been a big advocate for other people to join. It is basically like having a great big book club where everyone is reading something different and you can pick and choose what you want to read/ not read and you may even be surprised and intrigued by referrals you wouldn't have found on your own.

If you want to see my booklist feel free :)

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